Telluride Canopy Adventure – Telluride, CO

Sept 7, 2023

Written By: J.Couch

We got up somewhat early and cleaned up for our adventures for the day. We walked over to the gondola to catch it up to Mountain Village. That’s where our next adventure was starting, zip lining across the treetops. We got there early, just in case and checked in to Telluride Canopy Adventure. They suited us up with helmets and a harness. From there it was a short walk to the ski lift to take us to the top where the fun begins. After a quick safety talk and practice, we knew the hand signals and how to stop, which is important for sure. We were off to the first platform.

This was a short zipline, mainly to get us used to the whole thing before we went screaming down the big ones. This experience was awesome, there are 2 or 3 that are 1000 plus feet long and you get going pretty fast over the tops of the trees below. 

They also have a couple suspension bridges that you have to traverse to get to some of the other platforms and those are kind of fun as well. At one of the platforms we repelled down about 10 or 15 feet. This was to get us used to repelling for the bigger one ahead. We did a few more zip lines and ended with the big repel down about 20 to 25 feet this time. A Jeep was there to pick us up for the ride back to where we started near the gondola. 

It would have been kind of fun to be able to zip line all the way back to the starting point but that doesn’t happen. We dropped off all our gear and said our goodbyes to the new friends we met this morning. Thanks to Elias, Kevin and Sierra that work for Telluride Canopy Adventure, we had a great time.

We got back on the gondola to head back to camp. We needed to be back before 2pm so that we could move to a different spot for the night. For a few minutes we were debating on leaving Telluride when we got back and started heading for Montrose and then towards Gunnison. We would have lost a night’s camping fee, but it would have put us a little closer to home in the next couple days. But walking through town we saw signs that said something was going on this evening. We looked into it and found that they were doing a first Thursday Art walk. You may or may not know, I love art shows. So we decided to stay the night and check that out. We went back to camp and moved to our new site, Heather made an awesome lunch for us, plant based of course. We lounged around camp for a couple hours to get our energy back

We took a walk over to town to check out Tellurides Art Walk. I would say that I was a little disappointed with it. If I had not been to the town already and saw most of the galleries, then maybe it would have been pretty cool. But we had already seen most of the art and this was really just the galleries open later in the evening with all the same art as before. I would have liked to see some more art, maybe out on the sidewalks too. They did have snacks and drinks for people that wanted to hang out and chat with the owners and maybe some of the artists, not plant based of course, but that was ok. Unless you knew someone at the gallery it was very hard to get in and talk to people. It was very crowded in some of them.

In the end it was a good walk on a beautiful evening in an awesome little mountain town. We did get to see a few more art pieces that we had not seen before, and gave me inspiration to keep creating. We headed back to camp and called it a night. The week was coming to an end and we needed to get ready to start heading back towards home in the morning.

Thanks for wandering with us,

The Wandering Couchs

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