Surprise Encounter With Bruun Idun’s Way Of The Bird King Troll

June 21, 2024

Written By: J.Couch

It was a nice afternoon in the Pacific Northwest and we decided we needed to get out and enjoy the weather. Close to our new apartment in West Seattle is a park called Lincoln Park. It sits right on the water and there are trails along the water for gorgeous views across Puget Sound to the towering Olympics in the distance. We have never been here before and it was a great opportunity to explore this park.

We got to the parking lot and looked at the trail map to figure out the quickest way to the water. While looking at the map I noticed that someone had written in black marker, the troll. Was this a mythical troll in the woods or maybe one of the 6 trolls that were built up here in the Pacific Northwest? We have seen the trolls in Colorado and the new one in Portland. See our blog (Rita) & (Ole Bolle) about those two. We haven’t had the opportunity to see any here in the Seattle area.

We headed on the trail from the parking lot that takes you out to the water and a picnic area. From there you get a great view of the Vashon Island ferry that docks just to the south of the park. There were a lot of people out today, enjoying the weather. Down at the beach area, there was a big group of kids, celebrating their 5th-grade graduation. After a quick walk along the water looking for cool stones and sea glass, we took the trail towards the Colman pool out on the point. Again, another great view of the Puget Sound and the Olympics in the distance. There is a sign here that shows all the different kinds of wildlife you might see out in the water, such as otters, whales, and the occasional killer whale. We looked out at the water to see if we could be lucky enough to spot a whale or seal swimming around. Nothing other than a few seagulls and a few crows looking for something to eat.

We headed north to go find the area located on the map marked troll. We thought that it was hidden up in the woods somewhere. To our surprise, it’s just around the corner from the pool, hidden in the trees. We had found Bruun Idun – Way of the Bird King, one of the trolls in the Pacific Northwest that had recently been created here. You can find more information about these trolls here (

There were not a lot of people like the others that we have been to. Most people were just walking by, they had probably already seen it and it’s not new to them or they didn’t even notice it. We took some pictures and enjoyed the beautiful setting. This troll looks out across the water towards the mountains, watching for the killer whales.

We walked back up through the woods to the parking lot. It’s a beautiful park and a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and wander around in the wilderness. The short hike out to the troll is about a mile from the parking lot. You have to go down the hill to get to the water. So, getting back to the parking lot is back uphill and could be a challenge for some. Get out and explore your world. We are now heading to see the troll out in Issaquah. See our blog soon about that trip.

Thanks for wandering with us,

The Wandering Couchs

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