Mustang Mountain Coaster – Estes Park, CO

Sept 28, 2023

Written By: J.Couch

Little Couch and her husband were in Denver visiting, this was Little Couch’s second visit and the first time for her husband. We decided it would be fun to go up to Rocky Mountain National Park and show them around that area. We drove up through Boulder and into Lyons, then up into the mountains and Estes Park.

Just northeast of Estes Park is Mustang Mountain Coaster, we had never been to this one and thought that they might enjoy that. The weather was clear and warm, we got to the mountain coaster parking area and found that it was pretty quiet there on a Thursday morning. They offer a single ride pass or a triple ride pass, of course we purchased the triple pass. We assumed that after one ride we would definitely want to go again.

These are the typical coaster carts that ride on two rails and are controlled with a brake that you push forward to go fast and let go for it to brake. We all loaded up on the carts to get ready to go. We were sitting in a reclining position, strapped in. The guy helping us load up reassured me that there was no way to come out of the cart or off the track so to go for it. When the brake is released, the cart moves slowly out of the loading area to the curve to catch the device that pulls you up the mountain.

We made our way up to the top of the mountain where it releases you from the device pulling you and gravity takes over from there. The first time down the track, I was a little heavy on the brakes, but as I rode it the other times, I became light on the brakes and heavy on the gravity. On my last run, there was no holding back, no brakes at all, just full throttle down the mountain. It was a blast, we all had a good time and would like to do that again.

Thanks for wandering with us,

The Wandering Couchs

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