Looking For The Best Vegan Banh Mi – Voi Cà Phê

May 31, 2024

Written By: J.Couch

One of the first things that we did when we got into Seattle was look for a vegan banh mi sandwich place. In Denver we found one of the best vegan banh mi places that we really, really liked. So far, we have not been able to find anything to compare to theirs. Heather found a place over in the Georgetown area, called Voi Ca Phe. We have eaten in this neighborhood at an all-vegan place just down the block called Georgetown Liquor Company, so hopefully this is similar.

Voi Ca Phe is a very small place and they don’t have indoor seating, there is outdoor seating available. So, it is all orders to go. We looked over their menu and they offer a Coconut Curry Tofu Banh Mi sandwich that sounded pretty good. We ordered one of their mini banh mi sandwiches to try and see if it compared to what we were used to. The sandwich looks pretty similar to what we’ve had in the past, but being a mini it was a little smaller.

I don’t think that it compared to the place we used to get these in Denver but it was close. I would go back and have this again, but we are still looking for one that compares to the ones we got in Denver. I’m not sure if we’ll find that, but we’re always on the lookout. If anybody has any suggestions, please let us know and we’ll try it out.

Thanks for wandering with us,

The Wandering Couchs

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