Lake McConaughy, Nebraska Camping Trip
July 29-31, 2022
Written By: H.Couch
Nebraska, honestly it isn’t for everyone. That’s because it’s for The Wandering Couchs, destination Lake Mac. Located just an hour Northeast of the Colorado boarder this popular lake is a playground for water sports, camping and fishing. Whatever your outdoor adventure holds Lake McConaughy is sure to please.
The trailer’s packed and it’s time to hit the road. However, it’s Friday and that means traffic, bumper to bumper traffic! Ugh, it took us a good hour to just make it out of town and hit the open road. Once out of town the drive was easy but became a much longer drive then we anticipated. It was a hot muggy day with ominous thunder clouds looming over the Rocky Mountains and hoped they were not heading our way. We did not want to be stuck in a hail storm or monsoon rains.
Arriving to the lake from high above the Nebraska plains the lake glowed with the evening setting sun. The drive around the lake to our campsite was fascinating as we drove along the edge of the dam and could see the water being pumped out into a lower lying reservoir and into the North Platte River.
Trains, Plains and trailers. Our camp spot sits just beyond the endless train slowing on the tracks in front of us. Now what? How long were we going to have to sit before we could cross the tracks into those glorious camp spots filled with rustling trees and chirping birds. Along the lakes shore sat Lone Elk Campground. The anticipation of what spot we held in the distance felt like forever. Camping these days takes planning and this weekend adventure was placed at least 6 months ago, how were we to remember our location. Oh wait, Jon says it is spot 40, ok I guess that we did remember. As the evening settled in and our camp site set up, it was time to relax and enjoy. The setting sun cast beautiful shades of orange and pink as we walked along the shores enjoying the sand on our toes. It’s hard to believe that Nebraska would have sand reminiscent of any tropical beach.
Millions of stars glowed overhead as the skies darkened and the Milky Way Galaxy shinned bright. We love seeing an endless star filled sky, as living in the bright lights of the city makes that almost impossible. It’s time to say goodnight and see what the next day has in store.
Mornings bring a hustle and bustle around the campground as other families set out on their own adventures. Drinking our coffees and watching all the activity, it’s time to decide on our own adventure. Off to explore, but not before another beach walk. Upon returning from an enjoyable morning lake stroll, it was time to sight see. Being from Oregon and living at the End of the Oregon Trail, Oregon City, the pioneers hold special meaning for us. So, whenever we see an Oregon Trail marker we like to stop, alas, Windless Hill. A big hill along the California Oregon Trail the pioneers had to venture over on their way to the North Platte River. Driving along the southern part of the lake back towards town we reach the small town of Ogallala. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s a UFO! Ogallala has found a fun way to turn the water tower into its own piece of art. It’s a spaceship! At night it even has flashing lights and glows. Of course, we had to check this out, but during the day it didn’t have the same flair as it might at night. We never made it back over there after the sun set but there is a video on Google Maps. You can see what someone had posted, that was way more adventurous at night than us.
While hanging out on a sandy shore, kids and adults alike are bound to build a sand sculpture. Martin Bay was holding an actual sand castle festival so we were sure to stop by and see the fun being built. Families and sand castle aficionados were hard at work building crowd pleasing sculptures. We found the most enjoying part of this stop watching the big tractor charge $60 dollars to pull people out of the sand. All along the lake you could drive your car onto the sandy shores, but beware of the deep loose sand that could suck your car in like quick sand.
After a full and sunny day wandering through new towns and sights, it was time to relax with a nice cool beverage and appetizer. It was very relaxing listening to the trees sway and the birds chirp as the evening slipped into another beautiful sunset. After a few games of Rummikub and an evening beach stroll the sun sank into the horizon and the glow of a campfire lit the night sky.
Lake Mac is a water haven for all. Speed boats, kayaks or just floats are a fun way to enjoy the lake. Even just taking a walk along the lake offers peace and tranquility as your toes sink into the soft white sand. The lake was a bit far for just two nights but since we are enjoying exploring new destinations around us, we had nothing to lose. Until next time Lake Mac.
Thanks for wandering with us,
The Wandering Couchs