Dallas Discovery: Rainy-Day Excursion To The Frontiers Of Flight Museum

April 9, 2024

Written By: J.Couch

Well, looking at the flights out of Love Field and Dallas – Fort Worth, they look ugly! All the flights are oversold and the list of standbys is out of control. We don’t really need to be anywhere right away so we have decided to stay another day and take our chances with the flights on Wednesday instead. That may be a mistake but we will see what happens. When flying standby you need to be able to change your plans and be flexible. We will revisit the flight loads later this afternoon. So instead, we have decided to go down to Dallas and check out the Frontiers of Flight Museum and then have lunch at a vegan taco place. Nuno’s Tacos & Vegmex Grill is a place that we have really wanted to go to but never had the time, well today we have the time.

The weather this morning started out to be very nice, clear, a little brisk and a light breeze. But it soon clouded up and the forecast was for heavy rain and thunderstorms later in the day. So, it sounded like a good day to hit a museum and have lunch. We drove down towards Love Field to check out the museum and see all the different aircraft that they have there. We have heard this is a good museum and well worth the time. We got down there with no major traffic issues and found a place to park. Being that it was a late Tuesday morning the parking lot wasn’t too crowded. Walking in you pay at the front, $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, children $9. So, the prices are not too bad.

To the left takes you into the hangar area where they have a lot of different military aircraft to civilian aircraft and even space aircraft like rockets and the Apollo 7 re-entry vehicle. In the corner of the hangar to the right, there is a Blue Angel F18 that is on loan out of Florida. They have it roped off, which is kind of too bad. I would have liked to see it closer up. We walked around and looked at the other exhibits and many of the model airplanes that they have staged around the place. There are many stories of different people, many from Texas, that were pilots, astronauts or military and what they accomplished. It is a very clean and organized museum and well worth the cost to get in if you are an airplane buff.

If you leave the hangar area and move to the other side of the museum there is a Southwest exhibit with an actual Southwest 737 aircraft that you can go up inside and see some of the history of the company. Also, on the side they have a model SR-71 with a cockpit simulator. But it was closed when we were there. That would have been fun to try.

Outside there are more static aircraft like an F16 and more, but when we were getting ready to leave the clouds had opened up and there was a monsoon going on. I guess we should have looked at the outside aircraft first then went inside. I made a dash for the car across the river that was flowing through the parking lot to get the car and go back to pick up everyone. Luckily, I didn’t float away before I made it to the front.

Thanks for wandering with us,

The Wandering Couchs

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