Buddhist Temple of Dallas – Dallas, TX

Oct 29, 2023

Written By: J.Couch

The weather was a cloudy and an oddly cold day in Texas. In fact, the high for the day was in the mid-forties with a slight wind which made it feel even colder. But we bundled up and hoped for no rain. We decided to take a look at a place that is totally out of our norm. We went to the Buddhist Temple of Dallas.

They have authentic Lao/Thai food vendors that come every Sunday to sell their food. This place was pretty cool. The Buddhist temple is an amazing looking building with decorations all over the building and the grounds. They have statues all around the grounds that make you feel like you have walked into a Buddhist temple in India or Thailand.

When we got there, they had something going on inside the temple so we didn’t get a chance to go inside. It looked like you had to take off your shoes to go inside, because there were many shoes sitting outside the front door. When they finished up, I was able to go look inside and thought about going in but wasn’t sure if I could take pictures inside and didn’t want to take off my shoes at the time.

In the back, behind the main building, they had a bunch of tents with all different kinds of Lao and Thai foods. We walked through all the options and found a place that had a lot of vegetarian dishes. They said that they could make the vegetarian Pad Thai but without the egg to make it vegan. We got an order of that and a couple veggies rolls. For some reason we did not take pictures of the food and it was half gone before we even thought about it. Oh well, it was pretty good and Heather said she thinks this is the best vegan Pad Thai that she has had. It did have a very good flavor and if we are in this area on a Sunday, we would stop by and get this again.

I am sure that if the weather was nicer, this place would have been a lot more crowded. On the way out we picked up an order of mango sticky rice for a dessert later. There was also a vendor that had some fried bananas (maybe they were plantains), among other things. We stopped and asked if we could buy just one fried banana to try. They ended up giving us two for free, but I gave them a dollar for them. It was absolutely delicious, I have never tried those before. Besides the being deep fried part, it was a plant based sweet deep-fried dessert goodness. I would get one of those again too. Stop by and check it, you won’t be disappointed with the food and the grounds.

Thanks for wandering with us,

The Wandering Couchs

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