Avalanche Game – Denver, CO

Oct 1, 2023

Written By: J.Couch

We have lived in downtown Denver for over 4 years now and this is the first time we have attended an Avalanche game. Part of the reason that we have not made it to one was that covid kept us away from going to a building full of thousands of people. Also, they won the Stanley Cup in 2021-2022 and the ticket prices went through the roof for a while, trying to get a reasonable ticket was almost impossible. It took a year for them to cool down which in turn made the preseason tickets a little more reasonable.

We got 2 tickets in the top part of the lower section, which seemed like a good spot to maybe get hit with a puck if not careful. They were playing the Dallas Stars, since we have family and friends in Dallas, we thought this would be a good game to watch. We bought tickets through Gametime, which we had some issues at first. We didn’t get our tickets and we were starting to think that maybe we got scammed. We found out that the email was entered wrong and that’s why we didn’t get the email. We got that fixed and they said that they would be emailing the link for the tickets in a few days. A few days came and went, still no tickets.

The day of the game came and we still did not have tickets. We were starting to really get worried now that we got scammed and just wasted a good chunk of money. We were trying to get a hold of Gametime again to see what was going on. Well, the tickets did finally come through and they were not the tickets that we bought. I think that there was an issue with the original tickets but Gametime came through and gave us even better tickets about 10 rows up from the ice. Almost low enough to be below the glass and out of puck range, but we were now in a better spot to get hit by a puck. Luckily that didn’t happen.

The game was good for a preseason and a lot of the new players got a lot of ice time to show off their skills. It was the Avs ahead most of the game and looked like they had this game in the bag. Towards the end the Stars were able to come back and tie up the game in the third period. We were starting to think this may not be a winning game like we thought. When the game ended it was tied 3 to 3, they went into overtime. They pulled two players on each team and it was 3 on 3 until the first team scored. It was rocket fueled hockey action, back and forth at full speed, we were on the edge of our seats. In the end Colorado did score and finished the game 4 to 3. It was a great game and I would love to get to more if the chance arises.

Thanks for wandering with us,

The Wandering Couchs

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