A McKinney Christmas - McKinney, TX
Nov 25, 2022
Written By: J.Couch
We made it to Dallas Texas for Thanksgiving this year to visit family and friends. We decided to check out “A McKinney Christmas” in the historic downtown of McKinney Texas, a fun filled three-day holiday event. McKinney is a cute little town about a 45-minute drive northeast of Dallas, it reminds me of what I think an old town back in the 50s or 60s would feel like. That small town feel. We have never been to this Christmas event and thought it was a good time to meet up with some friends and check it out. I was very surprised as to how many others decided to do the same thing. To start off their first day of holiday celebrations, at 6:15 they were doing the Christmas tree lighting, we wanted to watch that. It was packed, lots of people out enjoying the somewhat mild late November weather between down pours that were plaguing the Dallas area this week. People were out and about, eating dinner at the many local restaurants, browsing through the local shops in the square. The kids were having fun at the carnival rides and events that were set up in the side streets. They had a Ferris wheel, a carousel, a few bouncy houses, a climbing wall and a petting zoo, even some goats. The town was very nicely decorated with Christmas lights and decorations around the square. All the streets were blocked off so that you could just walk around the courthouse and enjoy the festive event. Which was a good thing since there were so many people.
We ended up at the Spoons Café to get a snack and our friends needed some dinner before we walked around. We didn’t plan this out very well because we had already eaten and our friends thought we hadn’t. Sorry you two, we should have communicated this a little better. They didn’t have a lot of vegan options so we just had the black pepper fries and the fried okra. It wasn’t bad, but the fried stuff probably wasn’t the best choice for us. From there we walked around the square looking at the local shops, people watching, chatting with our friends that we haven’t seen since July. It was good to see them and get caught up. We gathered back at the stage area where they were lighting the tree, it was wall to wall people. There was a stage set up next to the courthouse and the tree, they were singing Christmas songs and having a good time. They passed out small finger lights with four different colors so that the crowd could participate in a song with the finger lights. It was kind of interesting to watch all the colored finger lights bouncing around to the holiday music. The countdown began and the tree was lit up with thousands of soft white Christmas lights. It looked very pretty sitting in front of the historic courthouse. The crowd dissipated and the music continued to play as everyone went back to walking the square and having a good night out.
We walked around some more, but soon wrapped it up and said our goodbyes to head home for the night. We were lucky to have friends and family come together to walk around the shops and booths and enjoy the cute town square. We hope to meet up with them again this weekend which I am sure that we will. Thanks for meeting up with us, it was good to see you guys.
Also thanks to the town of McKinney for such a fun event. We will probably be back again next year.
Thanks for wandering with us,
The Wandering Couchs