Lookout Mountain – Golden, CO

Lookout Mountain - Golden, CO

And The Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave

Oct 14, 2022

Written By: J.Couch

If you are in Denver and need something to do that’s close and easy, check out Lookout Mountain and Buffalo Bills grave site just 30 minutes west of Denver. You can get there two ways; one is to take I70 west to exit 256 and follow the signs up to South Lookout Mountain road. Second is to go into Golden and take 19th street up to Lookout Mountain road. This is a little longer route but very scenic and was the original road up to Lookout Mountain. Both ways are very easy and are marked well to get you to the parking area.
Once there take a look at the viewpoint to the left (north) of the museum that overlooks the front range and gives you are great view of the downtown Denver area and Golden. Take a few minutes to check that out. We have never been to the buffalo Bill museum, but I have heard it is worth the time to look through. Just to the south of the museum is the Buffalo Bills Pahaska Teepee gift shop and café. It is filled with souvenirs and gifts to take home.
To the right of the giftshop is a trail that is a short walk up to see Buffalo Bills grave. It is an easy walk up to see his grave site and learn a little history of his life. 
Once back in the parking lot, walk up to the northwest side of the parking lot. There is another great viewing area that looks at the Rocky Mountain range to the west. If you are a little more adventurous there are hiking trails nearby that take you to the west to the Lookout Mountain Nature Center and Preserve. 

It’s a quick get away from the Denver area and gives you an easy trip to take friends and family that are visiting the area. 

Thanks for wandering with us,

The Wandering Couchs

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