Uncover The Magic Of Issaquah’s Jakob Two Trees Troll

June 22, 2024

Written By: J.Couch

From our trip to see Snoqualmie Falls we stopped in Issaquah on our way back to find one of the six trolls in the Pacific Northwest. Jakob Two Trees is one of the five trolls in the Seattle area.

We were able to find it easily on Google Maps but quickly found that Google Maps will not route you to where you need to park to see the troll. It will route you to the road by the troll and show that you could walk there. But that’s not possible. You have to park down at the Issaquah Community Center and walk up the Rainier Trail from there. It’s a short walk and the path is very nice, it’s a paved path through the trees up to the troll.

There were not a lot of people there when we got there, but there were quite a few walking up and down the trail. Some were stopping to see the troll and some just walked on by. We were able to get a few pictures of the troll with no people which was kind of nice.

It’s a quick and easy walk from the parking lot to see the troll and if you are interested in seeing these in the PNW area, this is an easy one to get to.

Mark off troll number two for us here in the Pacific Northwest. Now to find another one.

Thanks for wandering with us,

The Wandering Couchs

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